
This branch, chartered November 19, 2008, provides a different kind of AAUW community. It is based on the branch structure (which means that it can link into AAUW programs that are advertised through the branches), but is flexible in allowing members to “connect” in a manner that suits them. For some, it will mean just getting the publications from AAUW and AAUW NC. Others will want to see information about the branch and participate in various AAUW e-mail lists. Still others will find nearby members who have also joined the branch and will set up local projects under a structure the branch calls a “community group.”

The branch is not an exclusively online branch, though we do use e-mail lists, online voting, conference call board meetings and other technology to streamline the business of the branch. For those members who aren’t online and who want to stay informed about branch business, we will use the telephone and USMail to keep them in the loop. The branch encourages small groups of members who live near each other to meet in person as their interests and schedules allow.

The branch has a special way of handling its finances. Since some members join just for the connection to the state organization, branch dues are kept low and, indeed, for the first year were set at $0. Donations to support the branch or specific projects (say those in a particular community) are encouraged so that the branch programming is on a “pay as you go basis” and each significant project has its own fundraising. We also offer significant discounts to primary members for whom paying full dues would be a hardship and we waive at least the first year dues for presidents of other NC branches and members of the AAUW NC board.

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